ACL Reconstruction in Thailand

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction is a surgical procedure to repair or replace the torn ACL in the knee. ACL is one of the major ligaments that stabilize the knee joint, and its damage often results in knee instability. Getting ACL reconstruction in Thailand can be a sound choice for those seeking high-quality medical services in a renowned healthcare destination. Skilled surgeons, advanced technology, and comprehensive rehabilitation services make Thailand an attractive choice for medical tourists worldwide.

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$7,000 - $10,000

United States

$20,000 - $50,000


$15,000 - $20,000


$7,000 - $12,000


$5,000 - $10,000

Please note that the prices provided are estimations and may vary based on various factors. Additionally, these prices do not include flights or accommodation.

All prices are in USD.

Understanding ACL Reconstruction

ACL reconstruction is a surgical procedure primarily aimed at athletes and physically active individuals who have torn their ACL, resulting in knee instability. The surgery involves replacing the torn ACL with a graft taken from the patient's own body (autograft) or a donor (allograft). This procedure is generally recommended when the ACL injury is severe or if the patient wishes to return to sports or high-level physical activities. It's crucial to understand that post-surgery rehabilitation is an integral part of the recovery and getting back to normal activities.

Preparing for ACL Reconstruction

The preparation for ACL reconstruction involves a thorough evaluation of the knee through physical examination and imaging studies like X-rays or MRI. Patients may be asked to follow certain dietary restrictions, stop certain medications, and quit smoking. Physiotherapy exercises before the surgery can also help improve the outcomes.

The Procedure

During an ACL reconstruction, the surgeon makes small incisions around the knee. The damaged ACL is removed, and the graft is prepared. The surgeon drills tunnels into the thigh bone and shin bone to place the graft in the position of the original ACL. Then, the graft is secured with screws or other fixation devices. This procedure is typically performed using arthroscopy, which involves smaller incisions, less pain, and quicker recovery.

ACL Reconstruction Recovery

Post-surgery, patients typically spend a few hours in the hospital. A brace may be used to protect the knee, and crutches may be necessary for a while. A physiotherapy program is vital in the recovery phase to regain knee strength and mobility. The recovery timeline can vary, but most patients can expect to return to sports or physically demanding activities in 6 to 9 months.

The Costs of ACL Reconstruction

ACL reconstruction in Thailand is significantly more affordable than in many Western countries. The average cost ranges from $7,000 to $10,000, which can vary based on the choice of hospital and surgeon. It's essential to remember that this cost estimate doesn't include the expenses for travel and accommodation.

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Best Hospitals for ACL Reconstruction in Thailand

Samitiviej Hospital
Samitiviej Hospital

Samitiviej Hospital is a renowned healthcare institution in Thailand that is known for its exceptional medical services and advanced facilities. It has multiple hospitals, including a children's hospital, and treats many international patients. Samitiviej has received numerous awards and accolades, including JCI accreditation, and is a popular choice for top-quality medical care.

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Bumrungrad International Hospital
Bumrungrad International Hospital

Bumrungrad was founded in 1980 and is Southeast Asia's largest private hospital. It is one of the world's most popular medical tourism destinations, treating over 1.1 million patients annually of which many are overseas patients. Bumrungrad was the first hospital in Asia to receive JCI accreditation and has since received awards from numerous other agencies for its medical services.

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Common Questions

How much does ACL reconstruction cost in Thailand?

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ACL reconstruction in Thailand typically costs between $7,000 to $10,000, depending on the specific hospital and surgeon.

What is the recovery time after ACL reconstruction?

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The recovery timeline can vary, but most patients can expect to return to sports or physically demanding activities in 6 to 9 months.

When can I fly back home after undergoing ACL reconstruction in Thailand?

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Patients should ideally wait for at least a week to 10 days before flying, to allow for the initial healing phase and to minimize the risk of blood clots. However, individual recovery varies, so it's best to consult with the surgeon.

How long should I plan to stay in Thailand for ACL reconstruction?

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For an ACL reconstruction, patients are advised to plan a stay of about 2 weeks in Thailand. This allows enough time for consultation, surgery, and initial recovery, ensuring you're fit to travel back home.

Is it safe to do ACL Reconstruction in Thailand?

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Thailand has some of the best hospitals and medical facilities in the world, with highly skilled doctors and state-of-the-art technology. These facilities are accredited by international organizations, such as the Joint Commission International, ensuring that they meet global healthcare standards.

Konkai only works with accredited facilities to ensure that our clients receive safe, effective, and reliable medical care. We have done extensive research and vetting to ensure that the hospitals and clinics we work with provide the highest quality of care and meet the same standards as medical facilities in developed countries. We prioritize your well-being and only recommend medical facilities that we would trust to provide care to our own loved ones.

Does my insurance cover ACL Reconstruction in Thailand?

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Whether medical insurance covers ACL Reconstruction in Thailand or not depends on the individual policy. Some policies cover the procedure, while others may not. It's important to check with your insurance provider to find out if ACL Reconstruction is covered and if there are any restrictions or limitations on coverage for medical procedures performed outside of your home country.

Some policies may require pre-authorization or pre-approval for medical procedures performed outside of your home country.

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