Phyathai 2 International Hospital

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Bangkok, Thailand
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Phyathai 2 International Hospital

Phyathai 2 International Hospital is a leading medical provider in Bangkok that offers a full range of healthcare services using state-of-the-art technology and innovations. The hospital has 260 beds for inpatient cases and 132 examination rooms fully equipped with advanced medical equipment. It can serve 2,000 outpatients daily and is JCI accredited, demonstrating its commitment to delivering the

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Joint Commission International (JCI)

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Translation services

Arabic, Bangladeshi, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish

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Payment options

  • Cash
  • Credit and debit card
  • Insurance

Popular Procedures

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Location of Phyathai 2 International Hospital

Map, parking + Transportation

943 Phahonyothin Rd, Phaya Thai, Bangkok 10400
Directions & Taxi Info

Public transport: BTS Skytrain (green line) to Sanam PaoStation, 5-minute walk to the hospital (200m)

Taxi: ask the driver to drive to Phyathai 2 International Hospital and use the taxi meter, you can also hail a taxi with the Grab app.

CONTACT US for a free quote

Plan Your Medical Procedure with Our Dedicated Care Team

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